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Student Access Grade 6-8 Resources

Library Catalog & User Account by NC Cardinal

Catalog & Account

NC Cardinal

Click to access your StudentAccess account and search the full library catalog here.  Note that only items held locally at Johnston County Affiliated Libraries may be checked out using your Student Access account. Max 10 items out.

Libby Logo

Libby by OverDrive

eBooks & eAudiobooks

Click to access a collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks for all ages. Easy-to-use app is compatible with most devices, or it can be used in a web browser.

NC Kids Digital Library


Digital Library

Click to access thousands of downloadable eBooks, eAudiobooks, readalongs, and streaming videos for children pre-K through middle school. 

Digital NC Logo


North Carolina Digital Heritage Center

Click to access digitized school yearbooks, newspapers, historical images, memorabilia, city directories, and videos -- all specific to North Carolina.

NC Live Logo


A Collection of Online Databases

Click to access all the resources below and many more in one place.

NoveList Plus Logo

NoveList Plus

Find Your Next Read

Click to access the secret to finding your next great read! NoveList Plus is a trusted source of expert read-alike recommendations, available through libraries around the world.



Language Learning Program

Click to access a fun way to learn any of 110 languages with self-directed lessons, films, cultural anecdotes and more! FREE with your Student ID Number.

CQ Researcher Logo

CQ Researcher

From CQ Press

Click to access reports on issues shaping our world, with in-depth coverage of political and social issues, such as health, education, the environment, technology, and the U.S. economy.

ProQuest Research Companion Logo

Research Companion

From ProQuest

Click to access a step-by-step guide to choosing research topics, finding relevant information, evaluating it and using it in your project.

ProQuest SIRS Discoverer Logo

SIRS Discoverer

From ProQuest

Click to access research resources including articles, nonfiction books, images, and activities for elementary and middle school students.

ProQuest Logo

ProQuest Central

Magazines & Journals

Click to access full-text periodical resources bringing together complete databases across all major subject areas, and including thousands of newspapers from around the world.

ProQuest eLibrary Logo


From ProQuest

Click to access over 1,700 full-text titles, 11,000+ research topics, and general reference with editor-created content
Over 7 million photos, graphics, maps, websites.

ProQuest SIRS Issues Researcher Logo

SIRS Issues Researcher

From ProQuest

Click to access background and current analysis necessary for research and understanding of 360+ current and pervasive Leading Issues. Analysis and opinions cover the pros, cons, and everything in between on the most researched and debated social issues. 

EBSCO Host MasterFile Premier Logo

MasterFile Premier

From EBSCOhost

Click to access full-text magazines, academic journals, newspapers, reference books and primary source documents, plus a vast image collection containing photos, maps and flags.

Bioghraphy Reference Center Logo

Biography Reference Center

Full-text Biographies

Click to access a collection of biographies on notable personalities from around the world, including actors, artists, athletes, authors, musicians, world leaders, inventors and more.

credo logo


Virtual Reference

Click to access a premier virtual reference collection including encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, images, audio files and videos in a wide expanse of subject areas.

Gale Testing & Education Reference Center Logo

Testing & Education Reference Center


Click to access a valuable online tool used by library patrons of all ages for standardized test preparation, researching undergraduate and graduate programs, finding tuition assistance, and exploring careers.

Gale Literature Resource Center Logo

Literature Research Center

From Gale

Click to access articles, critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, and biographies covering authors, their works, and literary movements.

Gale Virtual Reference Library Logo

Virtual Reference Library

From Gale

Click to access eBooks that support the K-12 curriculum; topics covered include arts, biography, education, environment, history, multicultural studies, nation/world, religion, science and social science.

Gale Science In Context Logo

Science in Context

From Gale

Click to access information on hundreds of today’s most significant science topics.


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Wednesday 9:00am - 5:30pm

Thursday 9:00am - 7:30pm

Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm

Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm

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