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Become a Friend of the Library


Have you heard the buzz?


YOU can become a member

of the
FRIENDS of the Library! 

Yes, YOU!


With your membership, you support children’s, teens, and adult programming,
author events, the purchase of new materials, and
with maintenance and repairs of the facility!


Recently, the Friends gave $6,000

towards the beautification of the building.

Also, the Friends chose the winner of the

Gingerbread House contest. And, we sold

tickets for raffle baskets at the Wine Walk

sponsored by the Town of Smithfield.


We currently hold two book sales per year (Spring and Fall). 

Along with memberships, this is our major funding source to help with

the above mentioned events and projects.



Individual Membership:  $15.00
Family Membership:  $25.00


The Friends of the Library are looking for new members, volunteers for upcoming special projects such as book sales and other fundraising events, and those interested in serving as a board member. Why not join other Friends of the Library today and get involved in supporting your library financially?

You may pick up a registration form from the Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield at the Patron Services Desk or print a form here.

Return the form with your payment in person or mail it back to us at:

305 East Market St.

Smithfield, NC 27577

Please call us at 984-985-BOOK for more information.


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305 E. Market Street, Smithfield, NC  27577

Sunday Closed

Monday 9:00am - 5:30pm

Tuesday 9:00am - 5:30pm

Wednesday 9:00am - 5:30pm

Thursday 9:00am - 7:30pm

Friday 9:00am - 5:30pm

Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm

© 2023 by Public Library of Johnston County & Smithfield

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